dwangoAC is the keeper of TASBot, a robot that plays video games perfectly for charity events. TASBot presses buttons in order similar to a player piano and beats games perfectly, often employing game breaking glitches. TASBot content has helped raise more than $1.5M for various charities at Games Done Quick events since 2013. dwangoAC is part of the senior staff of TASVideos.org and has presented at DEF CON, Thotcon, GeekPwn, and other hacker events.
Black in Gaming
Black in Gaming (BIG) is a thriving community committed to fostering, empowering, and amplifying Black professionals within the video game industry. Since 2002, our mission has been to actively create avenues for education, leadership development, and skills enhancement for Black individuals in gaming.
San Jose Public Library
Video Game History Foundation
The Video Game History Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, celebrating, and teaching the history of video games. This year, VGHF launched their digital library, where you can access their collections of rare video game research materials for your own research.
Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment (MADE)
Over more than a decade, the MADE has sought to legitimize the preservation of video games as an historic, cultural, and artistic medium within the context of our time. Visitors to the MADE have access to play any of our collection of over 14,000 games across 40+ systems, on-demand. Through exhibitions, events, and exposition, these games are exposed as works of art, with the processes behind their creation brought to light for the first time in a true, interactive, museum setting.