Online Chats

IRC and Discord are only for random discussions about MAGFest/MAGWest.

You are welcome to join us, but, if you have a question about your registration, when the schedule will be released, badges, hours, schedule, events, music, or any other serious question related to MAGWest, please use instead of the chatroom.

On the other hand, if you have questions about anime, robots, the architecture of the internet, which game is better: FF6 or FF7, where to find the best boba, missed connections, robots, robotic accessories, how much Google knows about us, videogames, robots, or also robots, then... yea please join us in our chat.


We’ve got our own Discord server! You can join via this link.


We’re on freenode as #magfest, or use this web client. You must be registered with nickserv to join.