Safety and Security — MAGWest

safety and security

If someone ever makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at one of our events, please report it as soon as possible. MAGFest is committed to creating a safe environment for all. Harassment and other Code of Conduct violations reduce the value of our event for everyone. We take your safety seriously.


  • Visit Security at-event and give a report in person, call or text Security at 1-833-FEST-SEC (833-337-8732), or email

  • Reports can be also made through this online form.


What to Expect After Reporting 
If you choose to file a report with Security (at-event) or Safe Committee (outside of the event), you can expect the following:

  • We will listen to you and take what you say seriously.

  • We will try to identify any outside resources that might help.

  • We will only share information you have consented to share.

  • We will gather any available evidence and evaluate the report.

  • We will inform all involved parties of the decision, maintaining anonymity where possible.

Please note:

  • We can only address reports from MAGFest events.

  • We can only address reports made against MAGFest staff, attendees, or contractors.



Security is handled by various groups depending on the event, such as the Dorsai or FLARE. On-site Security handles reports of general misconduct during the event.

Safe Committee is a group of volunteers who handle reports of harassment, abuse, and Code of Conduct violations at MAGFest events. They handle reports after events.

  • Visit Security at-event to make a report in person.
  • Call or text Security at 1-833-FEST-SEC.
  • Email at

  • When taking an in-person report, our Security staff will ensure you are safe and cannot be overheard. Once it is safe to do so, we will ask you to tell us about what happened. This can be upsetting, but we will handle it as respectfully as possible, and you can bring someone to support you. You will never be asked to confront anyone. With your permission, your report will be shared with Safe Committee or event leadership to ensure a properly-managed process. We won't share more than the necessary details with Safe Committee or event leadership.
  • We are also able to help you with:
    • contacting the hotel or venue security
    • contacting local law enforcement or medical services
    • recommending local support services

Safe Committee will receive and review the report. Safe Committee is a group of volunteers and employees tasked with handling reports of harassment, misconduct, or other major Code of Conduct violations at MAGFest events, and making decisions based on the circumstances of said reports. Additionally, Safe Committee may receive new reports or our reporting form throughout the year. Safe Committee also handles documentation and bans pursuant to active protective orders.

  • Reports can be made through this online form.
  • You are able to report anonymously if you wish.
  • While we keep records of anonymous reports, reporting anonymously means that we will not be able to follow up with you directly. Please provide as much information as possible, since we will not be able to contact you.

We can only take action on misconduct that occurred at a MAGFest event. However, any information that is shared with Safe Committee will be kept on file, should it be helpful in the future.

If you have an active protective order against someone else, you can email with a copy of the order. MAGFest will uphold the terms of the order through its end date. This can involve informing the other party, should they try to purchase a badge, that they are not able to attend.

Reach out to any of the email addresses on this page and someone should be able to assist you, or direct your question to someone who can!