Remember that time we did MAGWest 2019?

Okay, well get ready for magwest 2020!

We’re back at it again, so sign up (or sign your friends/enemies up) for our newsletter at the bottom of the page to find out information about MAGWest 2020!

Still want to share your experience about 2019? Reach out to us on social media or through our contact form!

While you’re here, why not check out all of our pages for some secret VGM gems?

Wait, what’s a MAGWEST??

Maybe you’ve heard of MAGFest but don’t know what this is, or maybe you’ve never experienced pure bliss, but MAGWest is a three day event that runs 24 hours a day with nonstop console gaming, arcades, tabletop, LAN, live video game cover bands, chiptunes, guests, and more, now with 100% more west coast style! It’s our third year, and we’re excited to grow with the gaming community on the west coast.

Y’all ready for this?